So my first full day home for Christmas looked a little like this. I sat in my brother's car for 3 hours reading and listening to Green Day and Jimmy Eat World while he cut the grass in 2 yards. We then drove around for a while and ended up at an old man with a mustache's house where his son in law sat staring at the classifieds without reading while cracking jokes about dollar bills from behind it. In the kitchen the man was mass producing peanut brittle that he put in a laundry basket when he was finished and it was stacked high. And he told us of how he traded his tithe at his local church for cutting their grass weekly. I then played poker for a while. Got out and drove around some more. Only to come back and hop in the hot tub. This proved boring after a while so I lit up a Punch (rare corojo) cigar and smoked it down to a stub. All while lighting fireworks with it and shooting them while standing in the hot tub. Smoking a cigar and lighting fireworks. Sublime. Then I pulled a 3 foot ceramic stork/crane of some sort that my parents bought in Mexico into the hot tub with me to enjoy the last few minutes of my soak. And now I write it. Onward to aunts & uncles dining at the Mexican restaraunt. Sublime.
Cheers: to mexican birds, delicious cigars and fireworks as a hottub Christmas retreat. Nobody but you . . .
Posted by
Cari |
12/24/2004 09:26:00 PM