More notes/ideas from my little idea notebook . . . - A girl who is always hot for whatever reason - a 49 year old woman, with 3 kids and 1 husband who has to ask her mom's permission to get her hair cut a certain way - uncomfortable chairs at restaraunts - professional christmas tree lighters, people who decorate your house and tree for you - revisiting the plight of the domesticated fish (thanks beth) - how close is to close to sit next to someone? on a couch? loveseat? table? bar? are there different distances for different seats? how long do you have to know somebody before they get to take away a foot of personal space? (thanks sharon) - polynesia - the urge to drive fast and beat the car next to you at a red light when the light turns green - chicken & dumplings, its dough soup - loud yellers in a restaraunt, what are the rules for that - most sermons and churches are neither intellectual or spiritual. most people prefer one of the two. some people just like the knowledge without the spiritual/mysterious side. some people just like the experience/spiritual without any knowledge. isn't it a shame that most sermons and churches are usually neither. or they are one or the other. they provide knowledge as if facts were a way to God. or they create mystical experiences that aren't grounded or filtered through truth. reason or experience. so sadly most people just sit and are bored because sermons and churches connect with neither one of these two aspects.
and i have it on good authority that polynesia is not a country...sleep soundly
Posted by
Sharon |
12/21/2004 08:34:00 PM
First off, who are you and what do you want with my font?
Second, aren't sermons that are either intellectual OR spiritual better than those that are neither. A preacher teaches at least half the people that way. But seriously, the best idea I've experienced is to do away with the whole sermon section. Let the people talk. The lessons we learn in life and then share with each other are far more mystical and intellectual than anything a preacher can dream up. The lessons are taught by God. Which brings up another option: let God talk. Novel I know, but it is church.
Posted by
Galen |
12/27/2004 03:50:00 PM