Reading: Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell, Exclusion and Embrace by Miroslav Volf, and rereading A New Kind of Christian by Brian McLaren for our version of Oprah's Book Club Listening: The Bravery, Damien Rice, Ella Fitzgerald, Sufjan Stevens, The Cobalt Season, and the band that just can't seem to get off my playlist . . . Coldplay Viewing: Arrested Development Season Two and Amelie
mcclaren put to words things i was only feeling and couldn't explain to others . . . very liberating!
have you read "blue like jazz" by don miller?
i recommend it.
Posted by
tabitha jane |
11/28/2005 07:38:00 PM
yes. blue like jazz was also very helpful. however, a new kind of christian put words and a voice to what i was feeling. and i was getting closer to walking away until i read that book. that book started this whole beautiful sort of journey that i've fallen into. thanks for your thoughts.
Posted by
Josh |
11/29/2005 12:13:00 PM
same here . . . my husband and i were in the middle of questioning everything. we had about a year where we were just ready to throw up our hands and just walk away.
it's been nice to find something that validates those frustrations and offers a way to work through/with them . . . now we go to imago dei (where don miller actually attends) and it has been truly refreshing!
Posted by
tabitha jane |
11/29/2005 01:17:00 PM
yeah imago dei is great. i've been following you guys for a while. the joel vestal quote actually came from a message he was giving at imago dei. and i've been listening to some of rick's talks lately. especially his stuff on the kingdom and justice.
Posted by
Josh |
11/30/2005 08:55:00 AM