I wonder what this map looks like today? I wonder how much map would be left if there was a dot for every Wal-Mart . . . I wonder how much map would be left if there was a dot for every church?
I don't really like conquest. It's probably hypocritical for me to say that since where I stand today is on the shoulders of conquest. Everything I have. My position. My status. My spot (perceived by most) at the top of the ladder among cultures. But it does sadden me about what happened in order for my shade of skin and my suburbia ethos to be at the top. I'd give everything up if I could go back and make things right again.
Colonialism sure was a grand idea. But for who? Who was it good for then?
Better question, who is it good for now?
What part am I playing in conquest? Locally, nationally, globally. Who am I supressing? Who am I pushing to the margins? What voices are being drowned out because of my voice?
My anthem is wavering. Hopefully and finally fading. And the a new anthem is emerging. Help me to sing it. Help me to see it. Help me to become it. Help me to be still and listen to it.
It's a good thing it never started with me because we would still be waiting. Thank you for those who are stirring with restlessness. Thank you for leading us towards the slow path of repentance. Help us get there.