I just threw up, laughed out loud, and cried simultaneously. HOW PAINFULLY OBVIOUS CAN IT BE THAT THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY?
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» I just threw up, laughed out loud, and cried simultaneously. HOW PAINFULLY OBVIOUS CAN IT BE THAT THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY?
Hey - I read this yesterday, and was left absolutely speechless... so I read it again this morning, and I'm even more so, except that there are thoughts and notions running through my head that are overwhelming and I can't get them dumped out quickly enough - which is probably a good thing because some of these thoughts, if seen by the Blog Police, could probably get me in trouble, 'cause they deal with what I think needs to happen to this ABSOLUTE NUTCASE!!! I'm torn, as I often am, between thinking that these kind of people need to be confronted and dealt with, and my fairly consistent belief that people like this just have to be left to their own stupid, ignorant resources and they will eventually...well, you know...and people this far off are never even open to discussion, primarily because in some twist of irony they have such a God complex...and we really must acknowledge that most, if not all of such people are, literally, ignorant, in every definition of the word. And do you not also find it ironic that someone who would even DARE verbalize such thoughts as this guy Paul, and who would have us think that THEY are so holy and just and humble, would have such a (weird and freaky) picture of themselves in their website...anyway, could vent for days, but just wanted you to know that there are many in your "camp", who want you and your ideas and passions to show themselves in "the right ways", and for you NOT to get so frustrated, as I am right now, too, that you begin to "spew" forth in a crazy fashion similar to this Paul person. WHEW! Think I've talked myself out of my camo and face on to a good day, confident in the Person who I believe looks down on such people and efforts with the same disgust and even sadness that we do...
Posted by
Anonymous |
11/15/2005 07:22:00 AM