A quote I found from a guy named Vincent Donovan (I've never heard of him) in his book Church in the Midst of Creation. "According to Donavan two almost opposing worldviews are bitterly vying for attention and dominance; the religious view and the secular, scientific view. The former is still involved with the saving and redeeming of a fallen world, while the latter focuses on the creation of a new world. Too often, he laments, the energies of the church are spent in condemning sin and saving people from worldly temptations. What makes this situation so ironic to Donovan is that in fact the secular mindset is doing much of what the church was supposed to do, namely saving life on earth and caring for creation. "It is we who originally believed in the new creation, already begun on this planet earth with the resurrection." "We have to admit that after all this extensive and scientific scholarship, after nearly two thousand years of Christianity, the Christ that is worshiped in our churches, the Christ that is the basis for our church and all its faith life and activity, is no more than a Mediterranean Christ. That is as far as Christ has grown. European and American theologians see nothing wrong with that, nothing wrong with the fact that we have not even begun to think of, or search for, the meaning of a planetary Christ, a world Christ. We continue to let all our efforts revolve around a Mediterranean Christ. We of the West have monopolized Christ."
I don't understand this quote? What exactly is referring to? Also I'm not quite sure I understand the whole emergent thing. I can understand why it's there (many of the same reasons i went to Eastern Orthodoxy), but what do they actually believe? What are they trying to accomplish? If anyone reads this, I'm curious for any comments.
Posted by
seth |
11/14/2005 11:52:00 AM