Rants of the Week: 1.) Why does everybody like animal cookies? They're nasty! Geez. It's like its trendy to eat animal cookies cause they're so healthy. What a joke! 2.) Rosie's magazine with an original name of Rosie is unfortunately calling it quits. For all you moms out there who care enough to read my daily blog (I don't think anybody reads it) this was the magazine formerly known as McCalls. Anywho . . . I say all that to say that we have one less crappy magazine to contaminate all the "Women of the Soap Opera" out there. 3.) If I hear Eminem say one more negative thing about Moby. I'm going to personally drive my happy white tale up to Detroit or Hollywood or wherever the heck the dude is and I'm afraid I'm going to have to pistol whip the little punk. I'm sorry I had to talk all violent like in front of the ladies, but it had to be said.