I'm got in last night about 10:00 in good 'ole Alabama. The rednecks have already tried to convert me. Its rough. I have to run really fast so they can't get me. But they're fast. They have trucks. And I have a girl car. So they always win. Hmmmnnnn . . . moving right along. Last week was probably the busiest week I've had all year. Work was swamped. I must have made a million copies. School was crappy, but thats a given. But it was different last week. I had such a fresh perspective on everything. It was weird. Its extremely hard to explain, but it was almost like everything was in slow motion. I was at perfect peace with my situation. I just felt this overwhelming grace. It was just different. Different from the month before I know that. Especially last week. Last week I was at the point of being so overwhelmed with school and work and my frustrations with life that I honestly let some misty substance come out of my eyes as I went to bed. This happened two times last week. I was just so frustrated with school. The direction of my life. It was just alot. But I threw it all on God Monday night and told Him to take it cause it was driving me crazy. And lo and behold . . .this week was incredible. Everything just seemed to flow. It all just made sense. For the first time in my spiritual life . . . I felt this extreme sense of peace about everything. I know this sounds weird, but it was almost like I was in a total mystical experience with God. Where I felt like me and God were just sitting there and smiling at each other. It was weird. I don't know any other way to explain it. It all made sense. Life . . . God . . . meaning . . . purpose. It all seemed to click with me. I wrote a couple of days ago about how little I understood about God these days. And that still stands. I still don't understand why anything happens. But at the same time, it all clicked. The light came on. And I felt like I was enjoying every moment of every day. It was in slow motion. I wasn't overwhelmed. But I was enjoying grace, minute by minute. Its a good place. I hope it stays.