Anna: "You should see [insert the name of someone who i can not say for fear of hurting their feeings even though there would never be a chance in anydangway that they would read my blog]'s new boyfriend. He looks like an ogar. Like Shrek or something. He's short and stumpy. And he's bald. And he's got marks all over his face. Do you think they're battle scars or something?" Me: "Yes Anna. Battle scars are the likely answer." And in memory of that, I will go and download Battlescars by Ozma, the best band, closest thing to Weezer band. Top 10 of all time perhaps. And I'm off. Oh yeah . . . Napoleon Dynamite (which I've been pronouncing Nipoleen Dynamite for some reason) for the fourth time in my life at the Tate Center.