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From an email from my good friend who I've never met, Sharon Majorie Barbour of Seattle, Washington. May we all display the same brilliance and beauty that is her life. "It's another one of those times in my life. There have been so many this year. Days and weeks where all i can do is reflect on my past and consider my future. And although i've spent so much time dwelling in times and places not of the present...i feel more in the moment than ever. Everything has become an adventure. I don't know how to express it all. I think the best way to say it is to say that i'm in love with living. is that a bad thing? i know it's not good to attatch myself to the world, and i don't think that i am...but i truly love it. and it's funny that the things that move me the most are in many cases the most unappealing images in this world. i just finished reading a novel taking place in india, a very highly reccomended novel, being praised for it's truthful portrayal of the countryl. and a wonderful story at the same time. but the images of pain and suffering that are now burned in me make breathe so much deeper than yesterday. whenever i read a book, especially novels of other places and times, this quote from my oh so favorite film You've Got Mail replays in my ears for days ...meg ryan writes, "sometimes i wonder about my life. i lead a small life, well valuable but small. and sometimes i wonder: do i do it because i like it or because i haven't been brave? so much of what i see reminds me of something i read in a book, when...shouldn't it be the other way around?" i feel like that a lot. sometimes more than others. i can sit at the beach on a rock i particularly like, where all my eyes take in are blue and green colors against a mountainous backdrop. and so i sit there and feel as if all that is inside of me wants to take off and risk anything i can to make a mark to make a change and a difference. to go against everything i'm comfortable with and live in a dangerous adventure. but then a few moments pass and the sun will go down and i turn around to see the sand that i've sat on for the past 19 years and think about how many times my feet i've made impressions on the narrow strip of land and i'm okay with everything i have experienced. and i see the adventure that i've already had. and the marks that i have made. it's all so confusing. there really isn't any black or white to it. it's all spherical. to sum it all up: i feel i may burst and leave little pieces of me everywhere."

About Me

  • I'm Josh
  • From Atlanta, Georgia
  • The NT & the People of God
  • The Secret Message of Jesus

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