so heres the deal on bush. around here, it depends on who you talk to. its probably more pro bush and pro war. but its probably equal. the people who like bush, are for the most part idiots because they're rednecks and the only reason they like him is because there might be some blood involved and bush used to squirrel hunt like them. they don't support bush or the war for the right reasons, so therefore in my opinion, they're idiots. the people who don't like bush and the war are also idiots. this is because they are so naive and brainwashed by the liberal media and cnn. they swear that we want a war so we can hoarde all of this oil like a sugar fiend hoardes pixie sticks. so they're idiots. there are very few people down here in the south who are well read enough and articulated enough to have a decent conversation about the heart of bush's agenda and the war in general. personally, i love bush. i think he's a great guy and a great president. but then again, i'm sure i'm prejudiced to a certain degree which would make me an idiot by my own definition. but as long as bush keeps praying and stuttering and using made up words like "strategory" (whatever the heck that means), i'll keep supporting the guy, because i think he is leading us with our heads held high through some crazy stuff. which is more than any of the right wing redneck hunters could do and its more than what the pornographic laced bill clinton worshippers could do.