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Below is one of the best and most profound emails I've ever received. My friend Sharon sent it to me and she is right on target. Some would say only a genius could write it. On a related note, my friend T.J. was telling me about something this guy wrote. He said that 99% of the world's population is made up of followers, sheep. They are so numb to everything that they simply do whatever they are told, buy whatever they are told, listen to whatever they are told, dress in whatever way they are told. The only thing that is keeping the world's population from completely caving in to a state of idiotecy (its a word I just made up) is the fact there is still a remant of dreamers, leaders, visionaries. These people keep the world afloat. I hope that I'm found to be one of these dreamers. Here's Sharon's email: Dear Josh, It's amazing to me how the advertising world views the average consumer as completely ignorant. I decided that I needed to eat a little healthier in the morning, so I bought some "Special K" with strawberries, because I love strawberries and even though they're completely fake, it's better than healthy cereal with strawberries . . .do you agree? Anyway, on the box of cereal it says "LOSE UP TO SIX POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS!!!", then it goes on to provide you with a plan to lose this weight: eat a bowl of cereal for 2 meals and have one regular meal for two weeks. . .HELLO!! PEOPLE! SERIOUSLY! Of course if anyone were to only eat cereal for two weeks straight you're going to lose 6 lbs. Same if you eat candy bars for breakfast and lunch or chips or frosting, or anything. It's ridiculous Josh. People have stopped thinking for themselves. I just imagine a mass of middle aged women, dissatisfied with their bodies, living on cereal with fake strawberries, stripping themselves of nutrition. I'm saddened, because this lack of thinking and manipulation goes way beyond cereal. And you can't blame them; it's not their fault. I mean, why think when there are plenty of people telling you what to want? Madison Avenue knows exactly how to derange the heart, and that's what they do. First they get your eye and attention, and once they have that, they aim straight for the heart. Advertising penetrates a person's beliefs and values to the point that one is convinced that the product being sold is all they need to fill the void in their heart. This fact amazes me as well, that during the depression, the first businesses that went under were those who cut their funds for advertising. And the reason I'm so worked up about it all, is because I'm positive I've fallen into the trap myself. I can look around my room and I probably don't need half of the items in my closet, my art, candles, extra shoes, games, beads, movies, lotions, etc. What is it all for? I mean, I think I'm ok, because I feel my heart knows that these things are irrelevant. In addition, I thank God for giving me that perspective and opening my eyes to that truth. Still, the whole situation saddens me. The images that we worship, how we fabricate ourselves to the degree that the average American admits to being uncomfortable being alone. Because in our complete solitude we're confronted with our true self and how we've become an image we worship. On a more positive note, I find the Spanish guitar to be one of the most beautiful sounds. Along with the voices of Gavin Rosdale and Alison Krauss, babies laughter, waves crashing, birds in the morning complimented by the sun streaming through a window or violins. Someday, I just want to sit around a courtyard in Italy at night, eating bread, and dancing while men in the background play their mandolins and enjoy life. You know what else is on my mind josh brown? Risk, and how my faith is lacking it. In theatre your'e taught that risks make or break a scene. And in the little experience I've had, it's so true. People are moved by seeing others put their bodies, status and humiliation on the line. In addition, when I think of Jesus, I see so much risk in his love. So how am I portraying Jesus love with so little risk? It's so much more than mere courtesy or handing a stranger a couple bucks on the street. And I think risk and passion go together. Why would you risk yourself over something you are unpassionate about? It just makes me think about my witness and question if my whole heart is consumed by this awesome love and am I sharing it with others to the full extent I'm capable of? I don't know, I'm bad with expressing my feelings and thoughts. And you're the biblical scholar, so what are your thoughts? And this has all sprung from something I read recently (I forget which book) anyway Jesus asking "I gave you love, did you share it with others?" And yet as all these issues are sorting themselves out in my heart, I feel a peace. I think you know the feeling.

About Me

  • I'm Josh
  • From Atlanta, Georgia
  • The NT & the People of God
  • The Secret Message of Jesus

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