We don't hear from God these days. We hear from entertainment and sadly its not secular entetainment that we're hearing from, but religious entertainment. We go to conferences, camps, retreats, seminars, read the newest books, listen to the latest cd, pray the latest generic formula that is supposed to bless us. We want to hear something new. We want them to challenge us. Not that any of this is bad in and of itself, but when we begin to turn to them as our source of hope, we've missed it. Why can't we ask God to challenge us? Why can't we ask God to teach us? Why do we have to turn to the Christian bookstore for answers? Because sadly, its about entertainment for us. God wants to communicate with us directly as well as through the indirect means of speakers, books, and music. We don't realize this because we have drowned out the voice of God with the Christianville market junk. Its so easy for me to pick up a book instead of picking up God's heart in the Bible. When we begin to listen to a speaker's insight without listening to God's, when we listen to the latest cd without listening to God's heart through prayer and solitude, when we begin to read from the newest book instead of the Word, we've made Christianity into entertainment. If we could just unplug from Christianville for a day, what kind of difference would it make? If we could ditch the next seminar or retreat or conference and instead spending that time in the middle of th woods praying and fasting in solitude begging to hear God's voice, what kind of change would happen? If we're not careful we'll make God into nothing more than a second, passing option and we'll turn to Christianville for our answers.