I like the idea of being for the world. I used to be against the world. But I've decided the world is a very good place. And I really like it. I used to be opposed to it. Or at least against the things that weren't Christian. A lot of Christians kind of have this dualism. Where God is in heaven and everything is good. And humanity is on earth where everything is bad. And it makes it worse because humanity is depraved.
But a lot of things have been reminding me that God is not in heaven where its good frowning down at the world that is bad. But that God was and still is involved deeply with his creation and he indeed sees it, and it is good.
This is not to say that there is not suffering and places of pain and spaces where good has receded. But there is a louder song being sung. A better painting that takes shape. And He says that it is good.
Welcome to the world. How can you not see the goodness of a baby's smile, the twinkle in the eye of a romantic couple, the simplicity of watching a movie with friends, the subtle, grandness of creation. Its there. We just grow accustomed to moving by it. To focusing on the pain, and the hurt. To wishing God would come to remove us.
God is coming, but not to take us away. He's coming back here. To restore.
I find God, or kavod as a friend likes to call it, in conversations, in a good drink, in a good book, around a fireplace, in a car, at the beach, over good food, in marriage, in a great song, on a plane, in growing a beard. Yes . . . life is good. Rich and full and beautiful and good. Not full of depravity. We choose what we want to see. And I'm not saying its easy. But there is a choice on how we choose to see things. As we perceive them to be or as God sees them . . . as they are.
So I am FOR the world. Because God is FOR the world. And that is such a better place to be than where I was.
thanks for sharing that.
it made me smile...
just thinking about all the beautiful things worth being thankful for.
especially growing a beard.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2/28/2006 09:56:00 AM
less we forget the sound of snow crunching underneath your feet, the feel of a breeze coming through your open windows on a day like today,and the quiteness of an early morning before everything gets up. and hugs. hugs are cool.
Posted by
seth |
2/28/2006 04:48:00 PM
I appreciate these thoughts. You know, it's amazing how Christians tend to want to exclude themselves from the world when God wants to redeem it. How can we help redeem it when we want to compartmentalize ourselves away from it?
The world is a beautiful place, and we can make it more beautiful when we fulfill His mission for us.
Posted by
Gina |
2/28/2006 07:59:00 PM