David Crowder Beautiful Collision The heart breaking makes a sound I never knew could be So beautiful and loud Fury filled and we Collide So courageous until now Fumbling and scared So afraid you'll find me out Alone here with my doubts Here it comes a beautiful collision Is happening There seems nowhere to begin There I am Now You and I Collide Something circling inside And spaciously you fly Infinite and wide Like the moon and sky Collide Here it comes Here it comes Here it comes now Here it comes Here it comes Here it comes now Collide Here it comes You and I Here it comes You and I Collide
Hey Josh- the David Crowder concert is going to be awesome. Me, Chris, Dave, Ben & Rob are going too! See ya at the wedding!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9/22/2005 12:13:00 AM
i know. i'm giddy with estaticness already. we need to meet up when we get down there. i had to break bev's heart by not doing the 2nd annual matty and josh haunted house. but alas . . . by the way . . . when are you starting a blog?
Posted by
Josh |
9/22/2005 09:48:00 AM