What is the way of Jesus? Things are upside down in this world. In the church. In people. Misplaced values. Disconnection between the head and the heart, our knowledge and our feet. We have so much and do so little. I have so much and do so little. I am a part of the problem. Before there can be good news, there has to be bad news. And good news is coming. Hope hangs out there on the edge waiting to be embraced. It's mounted and ready to breathe new life. Nervous restlessness. I'm ready for it to hit me in the face. I'm so ready I could break free at any point and run out to it. But its so incredibly dangerous and counter current to the things that are upside down. What to do . . . what to do.
The New News
The New News Why I am returning to journalism- on the web. September 8, 2005 Also see cover art When a bomb scare cleared out New Jersey's Bloomfield High School around 12:30 p.m. on April 21, 2005, citizens ...
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Posted by
Anonymous |
9/08/2005 04:44:00 PM
josh- i just have to say that you are having some very similiar thoughts...
Posted by
Anonymous |
9/08/2005 08:36:00 PM