looked at new homes. i'm an adult. bought pinkerton. again. townhomes. listened to ring tones for an hour in my bed under my blanket so as not to make a noise from 11:15 pm to 12:15 am. Couldn't decide on a wide variety of tones. Longview by Greenday. Take on Me by A-Ha. Magnum P.I. theme. The Scientist by Coldplay. i'll make a decision tonight. laid out. to hot. convincing Bev to trim his back hair. making some progress for the 1st time in a year. rode 4-wheelers through swamp mud. it smelt like poo. bad idea. rode 4-wheelers through extremely green grassy field. felt like the pan. green jumped blue as my new favorite color. drove around. dodged birds in courtyard. slow cooked hamburgers that were 8 inches thick. bobby cox does not live there. to hell with the traffic of atlanta. and to heaven with the green grass that i can't quit thinking about. drove around looking for fireflies. it seemed like firefly weather. it wasn't. thought about wearing a girls perfume* (see below). stumbled across an alpaca farm. 100+. mellow mushroom. thought about meehans. thought better. on a tight budget. on a loose diet. booked my honeymoon. rolling the dice on flights. and contemplating taking back a ream of paper. what to do. on the aforementioned perfume. i do not feel as the sentence fragment form i was writing in could do justice to the perfume for which i speak of. precursory remarks: 1) i do not like perfumes of any kind. they stink. they are strong. they are overbearing. and symbolic of many evils in the world such as vanity, pride, and smelliness. 2) i do not like colognes because i do not like the associated evils mentioned above as well as the thought that i feel like a frat boy. 3) they are both highly expensive and overpriced considering it is essentially 4-8 ounces of smelly water. 4) there are certain brands that the people in hollywood wear because of trendiness and monetary reasons. and i do not look at people in hollywood as role models nor do i respect or like 99% of their ambitions, dreams, goals, purpose, or lives. chase the wind my friends. chase the wind. but i digerss. so if i bought this perfume, it would mean that i in a sense condone "the company" and those who wear it, as well as send my hard earned money their way so that they can buy more cheap, worthless %$*&. again i digress. 5) therefore when people smell me, they will automatically assume that i wrapped up and centered in the above 4 points and will arrive at an inaccurate perception of me. 6) since when i have cared before. 7) end points. the perfume is Burberry - Brit. It is the original mix (there are 3 others). It is single handedly the most heavenly scent I have ever smelled in my entire life. Soft, whimsical, light, flowerly (not like the smell but like the look), exploding, imaginative, vivid, provoking, etc, etc. smell I have ever smelt in my entire smelling life. i first smelt it 2 months ago on a 30 year old Texan friend of Anna's at a wedding. it consumed me until we finally called her and found its source. it was Burberry. we went by the perfume stand in the big Mall store. and found it. sprayed it on a cardboard square. it spelt like crap. i put it in my pocket and walked away disappointed that i couldn't have the same experience as i had previously had. an hour later, i pulled it out of my pocket. heaven arrived. if God smelled (not saying he does or doesn't), i think he would smell like this. i carried the card with me for the next 3 days and put in my pocket and smelled it every 5 minutes on the minute. and that is my story. that is my memory. and now i must leave the weekend and begin my work.
hey josh- have you ever heard of Mark Cahill? He's speaking at our faith in action today and he's really good. His book is called The One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven and it is about evangelism. He also talked a lot about engaging your culture or it will engage you and it reminded me of you. Talk to you later- ashley
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Anonymous |
5/09/2005 06:10:00 PM