throat hurting. eyes stinging. cut down some vines. chipped some vines. cut my leg. i cuss. my legs are really cut up. i cuss. my legs sting in the shower. i cuss. i hate vines. unless they have grapes on them. cause they make wine. that rhymed. chewie is staring at me. beth stole the pop. damien jurado. won at poker. not really a surprise. i'm the best amateur in the world. at least out of my friends. which doesn't say much. i hate money. trying to redirect my money inflow (is that a word). i think coke is eating the enamel off my teeth. i've switched to water. even though i can't say it. thought about taking speech therapy again. people would laugh. i'd feel more secure. who understands me . . . anna. david. pam. kathy. howard. beth. matt b. matt p. randall. kelly. sharon. crowder. chewie. short list. but what do you expect. back to the computer. my think tank.