A few things. First, sinus breath is my far one of the nastiest tastes you can have in your mouth. Even a fountain QuikTrip coca-cola classic can not burn the taste off nor 2 brushes and a mouthwashing in a 30 minute span. Flip the trip pollen/tree sperm. Second, www.redcowboydesigns.com is up and running and full of secret and magical things. To fast forward to these magical things just go to www.redcowboydesigns.com/gallery/ Third, everyone who knows me, knows full well my intentions to write a plethora of books before I die. Masterpieces and mundanepieces (notice how I made it 1 word like "masterpiece"). But at this particular point in my life, I feel that my insights and wisdom on any given issue may not be that great simply because of my lack of insights and wisdom. I'm still learning. Now I could write a fictionally story which I very much would like to do but I lack the ability to develop a plot and I always run into trouble when it comes to entering into a conversation with my characters. It gets lame writing, "Josh exclaimed: . . ." or "Rufus said: . . ." Thats where I'm at on that. But I've had an idea. A novel idea in fact (double meaning there - i think its called a double entendre). I'd like to compose or compile a list of writings by some of my friends. They could be entire chapters. Or they could be 3 lines of poetry. Haikus if you prefer. Writings on religion. Or stories about a boy named Rufus. Would any of my 3 friends be interested in that? If so, post a comment, email me, or call me. We can develop the idea more if and when we talk. This is Josh.
Well, I could write for you, but Lord knows this incredible talent could just blow everyone else out of the water. Plus I dont want you to steal the money from my genius. Clearly kidding, no genius here, just mediocrity, and Im learning to live with that. Just wanted to say hi, and Ill come to the book signing so you feel like you did back when you had 600 fans under the age of deodorant-using back at FBCS. And congratulations because I havent seen you and gotten to tell you that (on finding the woman who would keep you and your flourishing business).
Your old friend,
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/20/2005 11:50:00 PM