A quick update that I wanted to bring you guys all in on. I've turned in my notice at Cross Pointe. Its not a bad thing. I'm not bitter or mad. But Anna and I feel that we are being called away from there so that we can begin to explore some other areas that we've been unable to do for a variety of reasons. Let me just be upfront for a second because the whispers and rumors have already started. We are not starting a church. The Phoenix Project is not a secret little agenda of ours that we want to bait and switch into a church. It is for us a place of encouragement, challenge, and intrigue (I just wanted to use intrigue, it doesn't really fit, but I wanted to use it). So that's that. Just needed many of you to know that when you hear whispers or if you're thinking it in the back of your head, that is not mine or Anna's agenda, to leave Cross Pointe, to start a church. Now that that is cleared up . . . As we begin this new start on so many levels, we really would appreciate your prayers and thoughts. Currently, I do not have another source of income lined up. Kinda scary considering the whole mortgage thing. But we really feel good and at peace with our decision. We sought the wisdom and counsel of many people on this and sought after God's heart. And so with full confidence we know this is the path we must take, and must do so with gusto (another word I've been wanting to use). We're working on a Plan A, Plan B, and a Plan C. Before its all said and done we may be down to a Plan L. But most of our plans, from A to L, are going to include me developing my company, Red Cowboy Designs, a little more. So if you know of any small business or church or band that is in the need of some high quality H20 . . . I mean design, then please speak highly of me and forward my site over to them. Depending on how well that goes, I may or may not need a real job. So if you have anything that you know of, please let me know about that as well. Even if its bagging groceries. Again, I can't tell you how much more secure and confident this decision makes us feel knowing that you guys are around us and supporting us in community. That's something we don't pass of easily but realize your importance and value. So thanks for standing with us on what shall be known through the annals (another word) of history as the Chapter 17: After the Beginnings. That's copyrighted by the way.
wow, i didn't know you were moving on from cross pointe. that's exciting, bro. know that i'll be praying for you and anna, and if you need anything from us, don't hesitate to let us know. i'm not sure what kind of background you have in graphic design or anything, but there have been talks around here about hiring some new people, so if you'd like for me to put in a good word, i'd certainly be glad to.
we'll talk more tonight...
Posted by
Anonymous |
1/17/2006 11:21:00 AM
your designs are beautiful! when i have my own company and need to create business cards or something, i will let you know :) for real.
i am going to be a licensed massage therapist soon so i'm gonna need business cards.
keep trusting and stepping out in faith. life is too short not to live what you believe is right.
Posted by
tabitha jane |
1/17/2006 03:24:00 PM
You and Anna are in our prayers and our hearts. We know God is with you and that He has big things in store for both of you. It's funny, the story of Daniel has been on my mind all day. Specifically the story of when he chose not to eat of the king's food. The fact that he chose to be loyal to God, to his inner voice, to what he knew to be right before he had a clue HOW that would work - its pretty amazing. Here's to passing up the king's food and eating more Krispy Kreme!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
1/17/2006 05:01:00 PM
this is long, but i thought you might like it...
i did.
No Place to Hide
by John Fischer
�Had I one friend -- or were it my worst enemy -- to whom, when sickened with the praise of all other men, I could betake myself and be known as the vilest of all sinners, methinks my soul might keep itself alive.� So remarked Reverend Dimsdale to Hester Prynne after living for seven years with the hidden knowledge of their affair. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's classic novel, Scarlet Letter, Hester has to bear the public scorn for adultery in the form of an embroidered �A� on her chest, while Reverend Dimsdale bears his part of the act in the secret agony of his own soul, and the author presents living the lie as being worse. I think he's right.
Here's a suggested translation from old English. �I'm exhausted with living a lie. I can't handle anyone looking up to me anymore, thinking I am the epitome of spiritual perfection, when I know full well I am the worst of sinners. If I could just tell someone the truth about my sin and resulting torment, I think I might be able to actually live with myself.�
Reverend Dimsdale is the picture of what happens to us when we cannot or will not confess our sins. There is healing in confession. There is torment in hiding. The Book of James says, �Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed� (James 5:16 TNIV).
How much pain, sickness, and depression do we go through simply because we refuse to confess our sins to each other? Dimsdale would have wished even for an enemy he could tell, but in his view, there was no one. Of course we know that at any time, he could have come forth with the truth and borne the consequences, but his idea of the holiness he had to maintain in his position as a Puritan minister did not allow it. He was trapped in an invisible prison of his own making.
One of our primary purposes in living a purpose-driven life is to create a community of love that makes this kind of hiding unnecessary. We have a gospel that gives us the authority on which to build such a community, the Holy Spirit who gives us the power to tell the truth, and a cross where we can all meet at the same level; all we need is the courage to live it out. In the church as Christ intended, both Hester and Reverend Dimsdale could have found forgiveness, love, acceptance and a new beginning. We're all members of that church; let's make sure we live like we are.
��and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32)
Posted by
Anonymous |
1/20/2006 11:59:00 AM