At what point do you wake up and realize that your blog has turned into boredom. Utterly stripped of anything that used to be funny, interesting, and wise. Its a sad realization when it hits you. Its essentially turned into what I'm reading and how many times a day I cut my fingernails and/or brush my sideburns. It is sad. It is sad. The idea however came to me to write out a schedule for my life. Not one that I will follow or be guided by or be bound too. But one that will allow for some type of gentle reminder to me to write, create, and enjoy life. Which I do enjoy. But at the same time is missing the once vital component of creating. Albeit, I do create graphics, but in a sense that expression of art is one that does not satisfy or stir my soul as completely as say does writing, reading, painting, or hiking. Though hiking is not an act of me creating. But it is an expression in a sense. Perhaps I'll take a pottery class or a sculpting class. Maybe a creative writing class. Maybe an apple cider making class. Maybe I'll go to a grist mill and learn how they made flour in the colonial period. I don't know. I need some type of recreational activity. The reality is that I come home and am utterly exhausted after an 8 hour work day which includes producing and editing videos in a dark studio, creating graphics and layouts in front of a computer, or sitting in a production meeting room for 3 hour meetings where I am forced to dump all of my creativity. I think by the very fact that I in a sense create or at the very least exercise my creativity for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, my desire to create outside of that context will be somewhat limited. And yet, I want to rediscover that "sacred space" in my life. So . . . we'll see what happens. And then . . . something much less than Picasso or Hemingway but yet at the same time wholly satisfying to me.
Hey Josh.
Just thought I'd let you know I'm checking up on you. :) Good book to read on creativity, Michael Card's "Scribbling in the Sand: Christ and the Creative Process". Hope things are going well.
Posted by
seth |
10/28/2004 06:11:00 PM
seth . . . where are you? i don't have your number or email anymore. please call me or email me. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Posted by
Josh |
10/29/2004 02:05:00 PM
Posted by
seth |
10/29/2004 04:54:00 PM