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There are people after Jesus. They have seen the signs. Quick, let's hide Him. Let's think; carpenter, fishermen's friend, disturber of religious comfort. Let's award Him a degree in theology, a purple cassock and a position of respect. They'll never think of looking here. Let's think; His dialect may betray Him, His tongue is of the masses. Let's teach Him Latin and seventeenth century English, they'll never think of listening in. Let's think; humble, Man of Sorrows, nowhere to lay His head. We'll build a house for Him, somewhere away from the poor. We'll fill it with brass and silence. It's sure to throw them off. There are people after Jesus. Quick, let's hide Him. - by steve turner

About Me

  • I'm Josh
  • From Atlanta, Georgia
  • The NT & the People of God
  • The Secret Message of Jesus

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