We are so easy to say that our world and our communities have rejected the gospel. When we share with someone and we extend to them the gospel, and they do not accept it, we quickly say, "They rejected. God gave them an opportunity to hear and they chose not to follow." But what if the gospel that the world is hearing is not that of the gospel of Jesus Christ. What if the gospel that the world has been hearing is the gospel of religion, the gospel of church, the gospel of rules, the gospel of condemnation, the gospel of First Baptist so and so, the gospel of man? What if all of these people who have supposedly rejected the gospel have never really heard the true gospel? What if the gospel that they have rejected is only the religious-pseudo gospel of American Christian culture? Have they really rejected Jesus? Have they really turned a deaf ear to the call of the gospel? Or have they merely turned a deaf ear to the pseudo gospel we've been presenting? The problem with those who are disconnected from Christ is that most of them have never really heard the true gospel. Sure they've heard a form of the gospel that is the church's version, but they've never really heard the gospel of Jesus. Most of these people simply haven't heard. They think they have. Thats why they are turned off to God because the gospel they have heard makes God look like something other than He is. So whose to blame? The ones who have heard the wrong gospel? Or the ones who have preached the wrong gospel?