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Man I'm tired. It seems like the days never end and when they do they just blur into the next day. At this point in my life it just all seems the same. So routine. So ordered. I mean its "where I'm supposed to be right now". But it just gets old. I'd like a little adventure every now and then. A little danger. A little of something more than this. Its just all getting redundant. And I'm starting to get dissastisfied with it all. I don't know if thats a good thing. But when I usually start to get restless, some transition usually opens up. So maybe thats whats going on. I don't know whats around the corner and I guess I can wait here until I hear otherwise. But man its getting old. And fast. I just wish I could be so much farther along than I am. Financially, emotionally, spiritually. It just seems like such a rat race sometimes. I just wish God would hurry up and come back and get rid of all this in between stuff. But then again, if He's not ready, then maybe I shouldn't be either. Who knows, I may be in the place where I'm supposed to be and I imagine that would make my perspective all the more better. I don't think that is grammatically correct but I like it.

About Me

  • I'm Josh
  • From Atlanta, Georgia
  • The NT & the People of God
  • The Secret Message of Jesus

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